Your Spiritual Needs Are A Priority.
Are you feeling hopeless with no one to turn to? Are you searching for a way forward? Let’s find a path beyond awakening.
I’m here to help you get back on track, strengthen you with spiritual guidance that will see you tap into an endless fountain of love, peace, and joy to bring ease to your aching heart and realign yourself with your creator, finding your footing once again in life.
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Our Happy Clients!
“May God tremendously bless you. You are a Prophet indeed and you have much favor in the throne room with God. My husband moved back into the and we are talking and embracing again, glory to God!!!! He still spends the majority of his time with his mother but I truly believe God is fixing that as well.”
“I was surprised you mentioned my health and things improving on the 12th…I was spiked by my little rooster and ended up in the emergency room with cellulitis in my hand on the 11th, when I woke up on the 12th there was a remarkable improvement. They told me if it wasn’t better I would end up in the hospital, but there was an amazing turn around! Thank you for your prayers!”

Who Is Redemption The Messenger?
Redemption International
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